About Us
With memberships and Certificates of Recognition from the Association of Pet Dog Trainers, The International Association of Canine Professionals, Companion Animal Sciences Institute, International Institute for Applied Animal Behavior, Delta Society, The American Kennel Club and Animal Behavior College - this group has earned a FLASHY Paws UP in the world of dog training. In addition, the group holds a Candidate Membership with Assistance Dogs International and expects to earn full membership with accrediation in late 2011.

All of our trainers are committed to a "FORCE- FREE" training approach that is both people and dog friendly.

Our Programs
Our conveniently located and well equipped training center serves Naples, Estero, Sanibel Island, Bonita Springs, Estero, Ft. Myers and Cape Coral. We offer a full complement of dog training programs including STAR Puppy Head Start, Graduate Puppy, Master Puppy, Conformation Handling, Basic Obedience, Good Manners, Competitive Obedience & Rally.

Contact us for more information on our programs

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dog training naples florida